Audience Management in Applivery: Complete guide to maximizing control and scalability

Audience Management in Applivery: Complete guide to maximizing control and scalability

When distributing applications or managing teams, having tools that enable effective and scalable control is essential. That is why, at Applivery, we have introduced the concept of Audiences, a feature designed to improve visibility and access to publications, as well as to manage email notifications for new versions more efficiently.

In this article, you will find a guide to understanding what Audiences are, how they work, the scenarios in which their application adds the most value, and how you can implement them in your work environment to maximize their usefulness.

What are Audiences?

Audiences are a new concept introduced in Applivery to help manage access and visibility of Publications more scalably and provide greater control when sending email notifications for new builds, directing users to Publications more precisely.

Audiences allow you to define a list of users based on conditions such as the groups they belong to or individual email addresses. This is particularly useful because Audiences will dynamically change as new users matching those groups are added to the Workspace or Application, for example, from an SSO integration when SCIM is enabled.

They also allow you to add users individually through their email addresses, directly assigning them or inviting them with a single click if they do not yet belong to the Workspace or Application.
Ultimately, Audiences represent a set of users who will have access and visibility to one or multiple Publications and, therefore, will be able to access and download builds.

Note: Keep in mind that belonging to an Audience does not determine the role of these users as Collaborators or Employees of the App. Audiences can never contain roles (Admin, Developer, Viewer). These permissions must be assigned individually and specifically at the Workspace or App level. See user management here.

Key definitions

To understand how Audiences work in detail, it is essential to know the concepts of Scope and Context, which determine the criteria for application and reach:


  • Audience scope: Audiences with workspace scope will be available throughout the workspace (although you can restrict which applications can use this Audience), while Audiences with application scope will only be available for a specific application.
  • Users search scope: Determines where users are located and added to the Audience (Workspace or only a single App).


The context determines where an Audience can be applied. It can be for a specific App or for any App in the Workspace. Context directly influences the reach of the Audience.

  • If the context is Workspace, the reach will always be the Workspace.
  • If the context is an App, the reach can be the entire Workspace or just the App.

These two concepts combined offer total flexibility, allowing you to configure specific Audiences that adapt to various organizational needs.

How to create an Audience

Creating an Audience in Applivery is a simple and flexible process:
  1. Access the Audiences section:
    – From Workspace > People > Audiences.
    – Or at the App level, from App > Audiences.
  2. Click “+ Create Audience”:
    Define the Scope.
    Assign a name and, optionally, a description to identify the Audience.
  3. Configure the groups:
    Define the user groups that will have access using logical operators (AND/OR). For example:
    Group A AND Group B: Users belonging to both groups.
    Group A OR Group B: Users belonging to either group.
  4. Add users by email:
    Include individual users using their email addresses. If users do not already exist, you can invite them from this screen.
  5. Preview:
    As you configure the criteria, the interface will display in real time which users match the defined conditions.

Exploring users in an Audience

Once an Audience is created, you can view which users are part of it. Click the three-dot menu next to the Audience name and select View Users. This will show you the complete list of users that meet the defined conditions.

Assigning Audiences to publications

Audiences can be linked to Publications to define which users have access to them. When creating or editing a Publication:
  1. Go to the Access section.
  2. Select Audiences.
  3. Add one or more Audiences to define access.
This allows for a more structured administration and ensures that Publications are visible only to users with access.

Viewing Publications associated with an Audience

Once an Audience is created, you can explore which Publications use it. To do this, open the details of an Audience and click on the number of Publications at the top, as shown in the image.

You can also access the same list from the Audiences or Publications lists. Click on the Users field (1) to see the users targeted by the Audience, or click on the Publications field (2) to see the associated Publications.

Notifications and configuration

When creating or editing an Audience, you can enable notifications so users are alerted to new versions. Use the bell icon (🔔) next to the Audience name to enable or disable this option.

Note: It is important to note that individual user settings will override general Audience settings. Additionally, you can globally disable notifications for Collaborators or Employees from App > Settings > Notifications.

The Audience functionality in Applivery is a powerful tool for optimizing access and visibility management in your Publications. Its flexibility to define users dynamically, add specific individuals, and manage notifications centrally makes it an indispensable solution for teams within the company.

Implementing Audiences not only improves efficiency, but also ensures more granular control over who can access and download new versions of your applications. Explore this functionality today, visit our documentation for more information.

MDM applivery device management

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