How to convert a Keystore file to a JKS format

If you are developing an Android application, you might have created a keystore file during the signing process.

  • Keystore: A keystore file in Android development acts as a secure container for storing cryptographic keys and certificates. It is used to sign Android app packages (APKs or Android App Bundles (AABs)) before distribution via app stores like Google Play or directly to users. This signing process ensures that neither the app store nor users receive an app that has been tampered with or modified by unauthorized sources.
  • JKS: JKS stands for Java Keystore, a proprietary file format specific to Java. Keystore files in the .jks format are widely used for storing keys in Java-based applications.

Converting a Keystore file to a JKS file #

Follow these steps to convert an existing Keystore file into a JKS file:

  1. Open Terminal or command prompt: Launch your command-line interface (Terminal on macOS/Linux, or CMD/PowerShell on Windows).
  2. Navigate to the Keystore file’s location: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing your .keystore file.
  3. Execute the conversion command: Run the following keytool command to create a .jks file from your current .keystore file:
					keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore yourapp.keystore -destkeystore yourapp.jks -deststoretype jks

When you execute the command, you’ll be asked to provide the following passwords:

  • Source Keystore password: The password for your current .keystore file.
  • Destination Keystore password: The new password for the .jks file. Ensure this password is strong and unique.
Once the command completes successfully, a .jks file will be created. This file can then be used to sign your Android app before uploading it.
Updated on November 21, 2024
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