Update Published Application

Update Published Application request endpoint is intended to update a published application.

Upload new Published Application

Upload new Published Application request endpoint is intended to add a new published application.

URL Filter Format for URLBlocklist and URLAllowlist Policies

Formatting guidelines for entering URLs when configuring Android Policies in Applivery

UDID collection

Applivery provides an easy and intuitive way to collect UDIDs to simplify in-house app distribution and simplify code signing.

Update a Build

Update Build request endpoint is intended to update a Build (.ipa or .apk or .aab binary files).

Usuarios del SDK

Descubre cómo funcionan los usuarios del SDK de Applivery y aprovéchalos en tu App

User enrollment

Discover how Apple devices can be enrolled by the user to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scenarios

Upload a Build

Upload Build request endpoint is intended to upload a new Build (.ipa or .apk or .aab binary files) to Applivery.

Unknown sources in Android

Allowing app installs from Unknown Sources in Android

Untrusted Enterprise Developer in iOS

Since the release of iOS 9, testers will be required to “trust” your organization’s Apple Enterprise developer certificate, one-time, before running Beta distributions. Discover how to fix this issue.

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