POST – Cargar Build

Esta petición tiene como objetivo cargar una nueva Build (.ipa, .apk, .aab, .dmg, .pkg, .exe, .msi, .nsp, .zip, o .tar.gz).

Definición #

  • Método: POST
  • URL:
  • Autenticación: requerida
  • Encabezados:
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: bearer <your_app_token>
  • Tipo de petición: Multipart.

Params #

Param Tipo Descripción
build File .ipa, .apk, .aab , .dmg, .pkg, .exe, .msi, .nsp, .zip o .tar.gz
versionName String Human readable version name for this build. E.g.: RC-1.
tags Array Etiquetas separadas por comas. E.g.: tag1, tag2, tag3.
changelog String Build release notes or log of changes E.g.: Bug fixing!.
filter Nested array of strings List of groups that will be notified with support for AND / OR clauses. Cada elemento dentro del mismo array se considerará como AND, mientras que cada array será una cláusula OR. E.g.: To notify users in group1 AND group2 OR in group3 use: [["group1", "group2"],["group3"]].
buildPlatform String iOS, macOS, android, ps4, ps5, switch, xbox-one, xbox-series.
packageName String Requerido si la Build no es procesable.
packageVersion String Requerido si la Build no es procesable.
packageIcon File Requerido si la Build no es procesable (en formatos .png o .jpeg).
notifyCollaborators Boolean Notify App and Organization collaborators. E.g.: true.
notifyEmployees Boolean Notify App and Organization employees. E.g.: true.
notifyMessage String Notification message to send in the email. E.g.: Enjoy the App!.
notifyLanguage String "es", "en", "fr", "ge", "it", "zh", "pt", "ru". String Custom deployer display name. E.g.: Jenkins CI. String Git commit message. E.g.: Fixed issue #123. String Git commit. E.g.: f52ace0. String Git branch. E.g.:develop. String Git tag. E.g.: RC-1. String CI trigger date/time. E.g.: 1558359012580. String CI build URL. E.g.: https://.... String CI platform URL. E.g.: https://.... String Version control repository URL. E.g.: https://.... String CI platform build number. E.g.: 73.

Ejemplo de petición #

					curl '' \
  -X POST \  
  --retry 5 \
  -H 'Authorization: bearer' \
  -F build=@'file.ipa' \
  -F 'versionName=My awesome app version' \
  -F 'tags=tag1, tag2, tag3' \
  -F 'changelog=Bug fixing' \
  -F notifyCollaborators=false \
  -F notifyEmployees=false \
  -F 'notifyMessage=Enjoy the App' \
  -F 'notifyLanguage=en' \
  -F 'filter[0][0]=group1' \
  -F 'filter[0][1]=group2' \
  -F 'filter[1][0]=group3' \
  -F ' CI PLatform' \
  -F ' issue 123' \
  -F '' \
  -F '' \
  -F '' \
  -F '' \
  -F '' \
  -F '' \
  -F '' \
  -F ''

Respuestas #

Content type: application/json

  "status": true,
  "data": {
    "id": "string",
    "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "application": "string",
    "applicationInfo": {
      "id": "string",
      "slug": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "picture": "string"
    "slug": "string",
    "filter": {
      "type": "last",
      "value": "string",
      "ios": "string",
      "android": "string",
      "windows": "string",
      "macos": "string",
      "builds": [
          "buildPlatform": "string",
          "id": "string"
    "security": "public",
    "tags": [
    "groups": [
    "visibility": "active",
    "showHistory": true,
    "showDevInfo": true,
    "distributionUrl": "string",
    "terms": {
      "active": true,
      "text": "string"

Content type: application/json

  "status": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 5024,
    "message": "Slug already used"

Content type: application/json

  "status": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 3002,
    "message": "Token Expired"

Content type: application/json

  "status": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 3001,
    "message": "Entity not found"
Updated on octubre 16, 2024
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